Tuesday, December 28, 2010

VentSmart Dryer Vent Cleaning Warns Clearwater Residents

VentSmart employees are on a mission to educate the residents of Clearwater. Your home could be at risk of a dryer fire if your dryer vent has never been cleaned. Even though your dryer has a lint screen your still at risk. As air passes through your screen it brings small lint particles with it. These particles accumulate over time and cause your dryer to work much harder and get much hotter. Eventually if left unserviced it will become totally blocked.

Some of the most common warning signs include.

  • Dryer taking more than one full cycle
  • Is the top of your dryer hot to the touch
  • Moisture and/or lint inside the dryer door
  • Is your clothing almost to hot to touch
  • A lot of lint left on clothing
At VentSmart of Clearwater we have your solution to longer dry times. Same day or next day service. Call  now and start saving money and time. 727-244-8707  $69-$99 most homes

Clearwater dryer vent cleaning